Wednesday, November 23, 2005

... only having a shitty blog, and not a Magazine!

When people come up with ideas for, films say, more often than not any idea would have already been covered in one way or another. I'm sure the same can be said for anything a person thinks of. You comment on something, and there is probably someone on this planet who has also thought exactly the same thing.

The reason for this particular rant is something I came across last night. Firstly look at my previous post on here entitled "... how America wants to warp its children" dated - and this is important - October 22nd 2005. Now guess what I came across last night when flicking through my January 2006 copy of Arena Magazine, which landed on my doormat on the 21st November 2005, and isn't actually out in the shops until next week. Well you won't guess is my bet, but there on page 35, is the following little gem.

Can you believe that some bastard came up with the same thoughts as me, a few weeks later, and had the nerve to work for a top magazine and have it published? Jesus fucking Christ I wanted to make a smoothie out of somebody’s face last night when I saw it.
Granted I am just bitter at the fact that I have this shitty little blog to express ideas and opinions on people, due to my large ego that needs massaging, and some other bastard has the means to express his ideas and views via a fucking magazine which is published in Christ knows how many countries. What a cunt!

I'm bitter I know, which is why I can let this go ... just about. It's the fact that I came up with the Lego Guantanamo Bay idea first, and I want royalties I shit you not.

Don't get me wrong because I purchase the magazine every month, and therefore have no problem with it. I just want to do a real life Saw film on the cunt that saw my posting and then had the balls to knick it and put it in a magazine!!

To be honest though I’ll probably send him a fiver and say good for you as you work in a magazine and have made something of yourself, whilst wanky little cumstain old me is stuck in a shitty IS job which pays so fucking well!!!

... and I’m spent.


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